The greatest self-discipline for adults is to learn energy management

6 min readMay 4, 2024

Tony Schwartz, author of Harvard Business Review, told a story.

His friend Wanna is a senior partner of a well-known accounting firm.

To deal with the complicated work, he had to work 12 to 14 hours a day and often felt exhausted.

After understanding his situation, Schwartz offered a piece of advice: You should manage energy, not time.

For example, do what you have to do and delegate other things to others;

For another example, adjust your work habits and handle the most important things when you are most energetic to ensure work efficiency.

Wanna did as he was told, and after a while, his energy was noticeably better than before.

I have read this sentence, you must protect your energy and don’t waste even a little bit on anything that will not be rewarded.

We have to face complex social relationships every day and all kinds of difficulties in life.

Learning to manage energy and focus on important things is the greatest self-discipline for adults.

Photo by Olly Joy on Unsplash

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