The Secret to Happiness: Stop Thinking

4 min readMay 1, 2024

“The secret to making yourself happy is to stop thinking. The best way to heal yourself is to be busy and go to bed early. Don’t let five minutes of unhappiness affect your happiness throughout the day. People, think about it. It’s happiness, but it’s pain if you can’t think about it. Most of the time, it’s not something you can’t deal with, but your heart.

All pain in life is essentially anger at one’s incompetence. Some things cannot be solved, and you have to think about them wildly, and you can’t let them go for a long time, causing you serious mental internal friction.

If you are depressed and depressed by various things every day, then no matter how many achievements you have, or how much wealth and resources you have, you cannot be happy.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

Don’t think about the past

Things in the past have happened and the facts have been created. Whether you like it or not, you have to get over it. If you can’t turn a page in your heart and are always immersed in the pain of the past, it will be like walking with heavy baggage. You will never be able to travel lightly and embrace the life you want.

The resentments of the past must be let go, the entanglements of the past must be let go, and the glory of the past must be cleared away. There is no way to go back in life…




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