The world will be better when you become stronger

4 min readMay 17, 2024
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Confidence comes from expectations for the future

In the darkness, as long as there is a little light, it will make you burst into tears. On the way forward, you will inevitably encounter various setbacks. Especially when you work hard but get nothing, you will feel a sense of powerlessness.

This feeling of powerlessness will destroy your fighting spirit and belief. At this time, you must stop and feel the power of the moment with your heart. For example, suppose you feel disappointed or even desperate about the current situation. In that case, you should stop thinking about the future, return to life, and live every minute and every second of the present. After you have regained your composure, think about how to restart your life.

A person’s confidence comes from expectations and expectations for the future. As the people say, living is for some kind of hope. If there is no hope, there will be even less motivation in life. Looking forward to the future is not a bad thing, it’s just that your expectations are in the wrong direction and you don’t get the results you want.

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