Use love for each other to repair marriages, use forgiveness to heal broken marriages

6 min readMar 17, 2024

Use love for each other to repair marriages, use forgiveness to heal broken marriages

To forgive others is to forgive yourself, and the world is brighter when you take a step back, let alone a couple who wants to stay together until they grow old.

From the moment we walked hand in hand into the palace of marriage, we understood that in the years to come, we must often use forgiveness to repair the “loopholes” in our marriage in order to achieve a harmonious and happy family life.

Someone once asked this question: What is the bottom line of marriage?

A woman who chose to cut the knot quickly and get divorced after a setback in her marriage said: “The bottom line of marriage is fidelity.”

Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

A woman who has been betrayed by her husband many times said: “The bottom line of marriage is my last bit of dignity as a wife.”

Another woman said: “There is no bottom line in marriage. If I have to find a bottom line, I think it is indelible family love.”

The woman who said this was an old woman in her sixties and a highly respected scientific researcher.

Her husband had countless romantic affairs when he was young, but what we see most now…




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