What 3 things do Incompetent People mostly like ???

6 min readJun 4, 2024

“Things determine the way out, attitude determines the height, and pattern determines the outcome.”

A person’s pattern means a broad vision and profound thinking. It allows us to transcend the current difficulties and see broader possibilities.

The bigger the vision, the better the life.

Truly capable people have a peaceful heart and an extraordinary pattern.

They are humble in life and do not try to show off their talents by being clever. Instead, they know how to draw inward and constantly improve themselves.

And those who don’t have much ability, most of them like to do these things, and I hope you don’t occupy any of them.

Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash


A netizen asked:

“What are the characteristics of unreliable people?”

One of the upvotes replied:

“He likes to talk big and talk big. He often gives people a very powerful feeling, as if there is nothing he doesn’t know and can’t do, but in the end, he always exaggerates.”

There are many such people in life.

At first glance, people think that they have extraordinary abilities, but the deeper the contact, the more they find that this is…




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