What characteristics do Really powerful people have?

5 min readApr 27, 2024

Many friends have asked me how to become a great person! What is great? In my opinion, not only are you successful in your career, but you also have your way of doing things, which is highly praised and supported by others.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Take the many powerful friends around me as an example. John is the chairman of a certain group company. He is in his early thirties and has an annual salary of one million. It can be said that he is young and promising, and has lived a life that many people envy. Maybe many people only see how powerful he is now, but don’t know what kind of lifestyle he lived a few years ago. Ten years ago, he was still a basic manager of this company with an unsatisfactory salary. Many people advised him to resign and choose a high-paying job to avoid wasting time here.

John disagreed. At that time, he told me that the reason why he chose this company despite the opposition of others was not because he was satisfied with the status quo, but because he had his plan, vision, goals, and Some corresponding theories put forward as support, so that no one can find any reason to doubt. In this way, with Johns's continuous learning and hard work, he succeeded ten years later and became the helmsman of this group company, living a life that many people envied.




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