What should I do if my job content is different from what I said during the interview after I took the job?

3 min readMar 17, 2024
Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

In fact, after entering the society, it often happens that the job content that was clearly agreed upon during the interview is found to be completely different from what was originally discussed upon arrival. At this time, it is really a dilemma and people don’t know what to do. It’s bound to be confusing and infuriating to find out after you’re hired that the job description is different from what was described during the interview.

Here are some suggestions to help you deal with this situation:

Talk about it early: Don’t procrastinate, talk about the issue as early as possible. If you notice a job description discrepancy, contact your supervisor or HR department as early as possible to raise your concerns and questions. Keeping communication open is key to solving problems.

Record-keeping: Review the interview process and correspondence to ensure you have sufficient evidence to support your claims. This can include emails, interview notes, statements from the interviewer, and more. These can provide references when talking.

Discuss solutions: Discuss possible solutions with the employer. This may include reassigning work content…




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