What should you do when you find a woman chasing after your husband to get her to back off?

8 min readFeb 3, 2024


If you marry a man with good qualifications, some women will inevitably miss him and want to try to see if there is a chance to fall in love with him, or even let him divorce and remarry himself.

The better the man, the more people will miss him, especially if his character is very easy-going or attractive, so there will be more trouble.

If your man doesn’t have much contact with women at work and is honest and straightforward, the chances of this happening will be less.

In this case, he is not cheating on you, so you can’t make trouble.

The best situation is that the man himself understands the boundaries not cross the line, and they will be able to handle the relationship well, how to do it, as I have written, will be attached to the end of the article.

If the woman outside the obvious show is good, the man is unwilling or inconvenient to disconnect with her, how do you deal with it?

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The wrong way to handle it

Women who have a lot of emotions are usually very direct and can’t hide what’s on their minds, which may lead them to adopt the wrong way of coping.

In this article, women who are interested in your husband are collectively referred to as side chicks, even though they have not officially become side chicks.

There are 3 common wrong ways:

1. Bad attitude toward the side chick

They may go directly to the third party choking her, asking her to leave their husbands a little farther, all sorts of trouble her, and even go to her company trouble.

Palace feels justified, but if the husband and junior relationship is good, you will feel that you are very unintelligent and very annoying, so he is very shameful.

The side chick can also take the opportunity to show a generous and gentle side to your husband to complain about the two comparisons, you will appear to be weak.

If the man loves you very much and you have a high status in the family, he may not dare to speak out.

However, such a way of dealing with the situation is not welcomed by your husband and will inevitably affect your relationship.

If he doesn’t care about the side chick, he would have broken it off on his own without your help, but if he does care, he will be unhappy.

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2. Declare sovereignty

In order not to break face with her husband, some women will send family photos or photos of the two of them on social media platforms, so that the third party knows how good your relationship is.

But this kind of woman will be a side chick, mostly lacking love, especially like to find people who can not love, but also very much looks forward to getting happy.

If you do this, just the opposite effect, will stimulate her more efforts to chase your husband.

In the Korean drama “Marry My Husband”, there is such a plot, the heroine learned that her husband cheated on her with her best friend in her previous life, and then after she was born again, she could not get rid of her husband, who was only her boyfriend at that time.

So she thought of pushing her boyfriend to her best friend and letting her bear her fate.

This is the trick she uses. She has been frequently flashing her best friend, saying how rich and excellent the man is, so that her best friend has to snatch this man.

The boyfriend has already cheated on her with her best friend and doesn’t want to take responsibility for it, but her best friend still can’t live without him, so you know how effective this trick is.

In reality, of course, you will not be like the heroine who wants her to snatch him, so don’t do it.

3. Keeping your husband

Everyone hates to be controlled. Losing freedom is something we don’t like.

If you keep on controlling him for a woman, you will only push your husband to her side.

Originally, her husband did not mean to her, see you so do not trust him, but will have reverse psychology, and want to do what you want.

This is also the law of attraction said often want what you get, but if the man's character is very good, naturally will not do it, I am afraid that his character is not good enough.

So, what should we do?

Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Effective ways to get rid of your side chick

I know you don’t want to be nice to your side chick, and you don’t want to be close to her, but this is a much more effective way to handle the situation.

If it’s really hard for you to do, then you have to give up and let it run its course.

1. Be her friend

You can tell your husband that you like her very much and want to be her friend so that he can leave her things to you.

If you want to get close to your husband, you’ll always ask him for help, and then you can take over and cut off the reason for them to contact each other.

You may not be able to handle the professional part, but if you are in a bad mood and want to relieve your worries, you can.

You can also let her follow you and your friends to the party so that more people will know her, and can help you pay attention to her actions, such as social media posts, and so on.

2. Care for her

If it is for the pursuit of love, most of the juniors lack care, you can care more about her, good to her.

A more conscientious side chick will feel embarrassed to think of your husband again.

But for those who have no conscience, this trick may not work.

3. Find her on purpose

As long as she is looking for your husband, you will find her, about her shopping and dining, invite her to the home, so that she knows the true side of the man at home.

People have shortcomings, that is, she can not imagine the side, spread out to show her, so she knows how difficult to retreat.

I have seen a drama like this, a white rich beautiful student fell in love with a married professor, the professor couldn’t do anything about her, so he asked his wife to intervene.

The professor asked his wife to intervene. The wife said that if she took the car for an hour every day to come to see her husband, she would let her have the man after 100 days.

After only 5 days, the female student told the man she wanted to give up.

Love is beautiful until you pay for it, but if you want her to pay for something, she may not be willing to do so.

You can tell her about your daily life and let her think about what she is willing to put up with, such as the man’s lack of cleanliness or daily snoring, and how tiring it is to take care of the in-laws, and so on.

But also to protect yourself, not to say on don’t say, right, but allow her to separate your couple.

If she does not look for your husband, you naturally do not have to pay attention to her.

4. Don’t Let Them Meet Alone

As long as your husband meets her, you will follow him and not give them a chance to see each other alone, then there will be no development.

Or on the day of her appointment, you will arrange activities for your husband to participate in so that he can’t refuse.

5. Introduce her to a boyfriend

If she has a boyfriend, she won’t come to your husband.

You may hate her and be reluctant to introduce a good man to her, but you have to think about it, she is good for you, and if she is not good enough to come to your husband, you are even more annoying.

Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

If you are lucky enough to find a good man, you like other people also like, this time there may be a lot of women chasing after you, then you have to use wisdom to solve the problem.

Often, your man is not good, but he shows a good side outside, which will also attract other women to think about him.

It’s best if the man himself is willing to stay away, so you don’t have to do anything, but if he doesn’t want to, you’ll have to deal with it.

If you don’t care about anything, then you need to be very positive! If you believe that he won’t treat you wrong, he won’t treat you wrong, that’s what the law of attraction says.

But if you don’t trust him at all, and you don’t want to care about him, it’s very likely to happen.

If you wait until they are together and you deal with it, then the level of disgust will be completely different.

I hope you never have to use these methods. If the man can handle it himself, you don’t have to worry about it.

Even if it is not convenient to break the other side, he just does not move like a mountain, the little three, and can not help him what?

But instead of expecting the other party to have such a high degree of determination, it would be better to prevent blocking, once the trouble, some people will automatically give up.

This is not to make you nervous and insecure, but a way to solve the problem.

The best situation is naturally a man is very important to your value, there will be no thought of you, but also very afraid of losing you, so you do not have to be so tired.

That’s why we need to grow up, learn the right way to get along with each other, and improve our conditions.

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