“When a woman says ‘I miss you,’ a smart man doesn’t reply ‘I love you’ directly; he will show it instead.

6 min readJan 25, 2023
Photo by Caique Nascimento on Unsplash

A woman has expressed her sincere feelings and fallen in love with you. When she can’t see you, she often misses you and hopes that you will spend more time with her and show her more care. If you are neglectful, the woman will feel uncomfortable, thinking that you don’t care enough about her. At this time, the woman will often take the initiative to call you and ask, ‘what are you doing?’ while also telling you how much she misses you.

Many men may directly reply to women with ‘I miss you too’ or ‘I love you,’ but women often feel that men are being insincere and not paying attention to them. Women will feel that if a man truly misses her, he will take the initiative to contact her instead of waiting for her to contact him. A woman will feel lost if a man does not show enough interest in her. A smart man will not reply directly to a woman with ‘I love you’ or ‘I miss you’; instead, he will show his love through his actions.

Here are a few ways a smart man can show his love:

Photo by Michael Dagonakis on Unsplash

1. Ask about a woman’s living conditions, inquire…




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