When efforts are ineffective, “leave” is the best answer. Women become more beautiful after divorce!

4 min readApr 8, 2024


if you’ve been feeling a bit down for too long, maybe it’s time to consider making a change — like hitting that exit button.

I know, leaving isn’t always a walk in the park. Take Song Hye Kyo’s divorce, for instance. That was tough!

Whether it’s your job, your love life, or even your marriage, we all go through these long struggles, right? And sometimes, we end up doubting ourselves.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

We start thinking we’re not good enough, and that’s why things turned out this way.

Think about it: If you’re a newbie trying to switch jobs, you’re probably getting an earful from friends and family, right? “Oh, that job’s not stable,” or “You’re being too picky!” Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing — that’s just a bunch of nonsense. If it doesn’t feel right, why stick around?

As long as it’s not every single job that’s a bad fit, you’re golden.

And here’s a tip: If you can’t make your current situation better, maybe it’s time to pack up and find something new.

Leaving can often be the key to solving your problems. And it’s not just when everything around you looks gloomy. Sometimes, everything seems okay, but you’re just not happy.

You know, you might seem like a good person, and your job might seem awesome, but if you’re not happy, what’s the point?

Take this journalist I heard about. Great at writing novels, but when it came to news, he insisted on making it a whole novel. Two thousand words in, and nobody could find the point. Other editors had to step in, and he got so frustrated that he eventually quit. The boss? Well, let’s just say he breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes, you’re a good fit, but the situation just doesn’t work.

Life’s like a marathon, right? You need the right shoes to reach the finish line. If they don’t fit, how are you supposed to get there?

It’s not about blaming yourself for not trying hard enough; it’s about finding the right pair of shoes.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes shows on your face. Swap them for a comfy pair, and you’ll immediately look chill and friendly, making you naturally radiant.

Same goes for work and love. But here’s the catch — when you’re on the hunt for shoes, put in the effort to find the comfy ones. Don’t just go for the good-looking ones that don’t actually fit.

So, how far can you go in uncomfortable shoes?

Even if they seemed great at first, if the material’s not up to snuff, they’ll wear out fast. That’s when you need to find a cobbler to fix them up, not toss them out.

And if they can’t be fixed and you’re stuck with painful shoes, how are you supposed to keep walking? Sometimes, you’ve got to let go, ignore what others say, and remember it’s your life.

No matter how many opinions people throw at you, they can’t take responsibility for you. When things go wrong, they’ll just push the blame onto you.

“Who knew your feet were that big?” You say, does that get your blood boiling?

There are plenty of people out there, unhappy themselves, but they’re quick to comment on other people’s relationships.

When they start telling you what to do, hit them with, “Didn’t you also marry someone unsuitable?” They might say, “Yeah, but I’m stuck now. You still have a choice.”

Illogical, right? Whether you’re married or not, you’ve got the right to change.

They might be stuck in their ways, but that doesn’t mean you have to be. And hey, they haven’t even really understood your situation before passing judgment.

To leave or not to leave? That’s all up to you!

From our life experience, she’s seen a bunch of people who really turned things around after leaving!

Whether it’s quitting a job or getting out of a marriage, even if there are aspects that are hard to let go of, the downsides will be a constant headache. Remember, there are better choices out there!

Just make sure to put in the effort to adjust first.

Otherwise, giving up without really giving it a shot might mean you’ll never find the perfect fit!

Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

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