When Love Fades: 8 Signs It’s Time to Break Up with Your Partner

5 min readJun 27, 2023


8 Reasons To Break Up With Someone

Saying goodbye to someone you love is never easy, but sometimes it’s the right thing to do. If you stay together even when things just aren’t working out anymore, you’ll only end up making yourself more miserable and may even grow to resent one another. You’ll end up in an unhappy, unfulfilled relationship with someone who just isn’t right for you. It’s hard to admit, but are you having a hard time figuring out whether you should end things with this person or give it another go? Here are eight telltale signs that it’s time to break up with them.

Photo by Kate Miheyeva on Unsplash

1. They’ve Betrayed Your Trust

How’s your partner broken your trust? Whether it’s by cheating on you, lying to you, or keeping secrets from you, if they have, it can put your relationship on thin ice. Are they putting effort into earning back your trust with their actions and promises not to betray you like that ever again? Are you able to forgive them for what they’ve done? If you feel like your partner has hurt you too much for you to ever trust them again, perhaps breaking up with them and starting over with someone new might be a better option.

2. They Refuse to Change

Does your partner have a bad habit you wish they’d give up? You constantly get into arguments about how they have certain behaviors you just can’t condone. Whether it’s drinking, smoking, gambling, excessive spending, or substance abuse, you’ve already made it crystal clear to your partner that you don’t approve of the things they’re doing, but they still refuse to change. If you don’t see them having a genuine desire or effort to quit, then they simply don’t respect you or care about you enough to listen.

3. You’re Holding Each Other Back

Do you have dreams in your life you want to fulfill? Sometimes pursuing your goals can mean having to let go of certain people in your life. Do you and your partner want different things in life? Are you sacrificing your hopes and aspirations to stay with them? This is a hard pill to swallow. If you can’t find any way for the two of you to stay together and go after the things you want, it’s not going to work out between the two of you.

4. You’re Always Fighting

While it’s normal for couples to argue sometimes, fighting on a regular basis is never a good thing. Do you bicker all the time, even about unimportant things? Do most of your conversations turn into screaming matches? Do you find it hard to work things out calmly between the two of you no matter how hard you try? These situations can take a toll on your mental health, and it’s better to let them go.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

5. Your Needs Aren’t Being Met

It’s difficult when you and your partner don’t speak the same love language. To learn more about love languages, you can check out our video “What Is Your Love Language?” Does your partner call you too needy or clingy when you want more quality time with them? Did they deny you the physical affection you crave when you communicate to them what you need to feel loved? Do they seem unwilling to try harder to fulfill your needs? You’re not wrong to have these needs; you’re just with the wrong partner.

6. You’ve Drifted Apart

You don’t ask them about their day. You stop planning dates and go for weeks without texting, calling, or talking to them

. Did one of you move away, or have both of you been busy with your own lives? No matter the reason, being in a relationship with someone you hardly ever see or talk to is barely a relationship at all.

7. You Don’t See the Point Anymore

Most people feel obligated to stay with the wrong person because they don’t want to throw away all the time and energy they’ve invested in their relationship. Are you one of them? Second-guessing your relationship, no longer enjoying spending time with your partner, and having awkward conversations and forced interactions with them are all signs the two of you have grown apart.

8. They’ve Stopped Making an Effort

Is your partner losing interest in your relationship? Talk to them about it. It can be a hard thing to come to terms with when we realize that the person we love doesn’t love us back as much as we need. But you deserve to be with someone who appreciates you, cares for you, and wants to keep you in their lives. If you’re the only one trying to make things work in your relationship, it will only ruin your self-esteem and break your heart in the end.

Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Breakups are painful and scary, but ultimately, they’re for the best. They mold us into stronger and wiser people. And even though things between you and your partner may be ending, that doesn’t make the time and love you shared together any less meaningful. Do you relate to any of the reasons mentioned in this video? Is letting go of this person really the right choice? What does your heart tell you? Comment down below.

Photo by Ezgi Kimball on Unsplash

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