While the brain is recharging, 60 seconds can transform a new life

Your repeated actions form habits, and habits in turn shape your unique self.

3 min readMar 9, 2024

good habits

75 Nobel Prize winners gathered in Paris, France to discuss major issues facing mankind.

At the meeting, someone asked a Nobel Prize winner: “Which university did you learn what you think is the most important thing?”

Surprisingly, the white-haired scientist replied: “It’s a kindergarten.”

The man asked in surprise: “What did you learn in kindergarten?”

The scientist replied: “When giving gifts to classmates, don’t take things that don’t belong to you. Keep things neatly. If you do something wrong, you should review it in time…”

Good habits will benefit you throughout your life!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

34 good habits of outstanding people

1. Don’t say the word “impossible”.

2. The first reaction to everything is to find ways, not excuses.

3. When encountering setbacks, say loudly to yourself: Great!

4. Don’t say negative words, don’t fall into negative emotions, and deal with them positively once they occur.

5. Set goals in advance and try to create a “dream plan”.

6. Set a plan in advance for everything and try to visualize the goals.

7. Use every minute and every second to do things.

8. Use your fragmentary time (such as waiting for people, queuing, etc.) to do trivial things at any time.

9. Be punctual.

10. Write it down and don’t rely too much on memory.

11. Record inspiration at any time.

12. Write down important concepts and methods and stick them up to remind yourself at any time.

13. Walk 30% faster than usual.

When walking, push your toes slightly harder; your body language is healthy and strong, not lazy or sluggish.

14. Go out and look in the mirror every day and give yourself a confident smile.

15. Reflect on yourself once a day.

16. Exercise once a day.

17. Before doing important things, or when you are tired, irritable or nervous, listen to your heartbeat for one minute.

18. Sit in the front row during meetings.

19. Smile.

20. Listen carefully and do not interrupt the other person.

21. When speaking, speak with a strong voice.

It feels like my voice can generate an infectious magnetic field.

22. Empathy.Before speaking, consider how the other person is feeling.

23. Praise others consciously and sincerely more than 3 times a day.

24. Write thank you cards promptly, even on sticky notes.

25. Don’t speak to others in a scolding or accusing tone.

26. Control yourself from the first reaction of defending yourself.

27. Do one more “extraordinary thing” every day.

28. No matter what aspect, you must make at least “a little progress” every day.

29. Go to work 15 minutes earlier and leave work 30 minutes later every day.

30. Spend 5 minutes every day doing tidying up work before leaving get off work.

31. Save money regularly.

32. Be frugal.

33. Use “brainstorming” frequently.

34. Observe integrity and do what you say you will do.

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Don’t be too busy

One of the greatest actors of our time, Tom Hanks, was interviewed on television and responded to a question by saying, “More is not always best.”

He was trying to convey that busyness gets in the way.

Too many things going on at the same time, too many plans or details to pay attention to, may distract us from achieving our best performance; when your mind is too full, there is no room for new ideas and creativity.

He’s right!

Often, at critical moments in business, all it takes to make the best choice is a moment of reflection.

However, you often miss those precious and important moments if you are too busy, running around and panicking.

You’ll see a mess but no obvious answers.

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