Why do some dogs have a fear of vacuum cleaners or other household appliances?

6 min readDec 22, 2023

Do you have a dog that goes into a panic every time you turn on the vacuum cleaner or other household appliances?
This fear is quite common and can be attributed to a variety of factors such as loud noises and unfamiliar sounds.
Many dogs have an innate fear of loud noises, which include the sound of a vacuum cleaner or other household appliances.
For some dogs, the sound of the vacuum cleaner may trigger their fight or flight response due to the sudden and loud noise.
In addition to the noise, the unfamiliar sound of the vacuum cleaner may also contribute to a dog’s fear.
Dogs rely heavily on their sense of hearing to understand their environment, so the sudden presence of a loud and unfamiliar noise can be overwhelming.
Furthermore, the movement and appearance of the vacuum cleaner can also be perceived as threatening to some dogs.
The size, shape, and movement of the vacuum cleaner can resemble a predator or foreign object, triggering a fear response in certain dogs.
Additionally, past negative experiences involving the vacuum cleaner or other household appliances can also contribute to a dog’s fear.
If a dog has had a traumatic experience with a vacuum cleaner, such as being accidentally injured or frightened by it, they may develop a fear or phobia.
It’s important to note that the fear of vacuum cleaners or other household appliances is not exclusive to dogs.
Other animals, such as cats, may also experience fear or anxiety in response to these types of noises and movements.




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