Why do some dogs “talk” or make funny noises, like huskies with their howls?

5 min readDec 21, 2023
Photo by Darren Welsh on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why some dogs “talk” or make funny noises, like huskies with their howls?
Well, it turns out that this behavior is a form of communication for them.
Dogs use vocalizations to express their emotions, needs, and desires.
Huskies, in particular, have a long history of vocalizing due to their sled dog ancestors.
Their howling is a way to communicate with other pack members, especially in vast, snowy environments where visual cues may not be effective.
Interestingly, some other dog breeds, like Malamutes and Alaskan klee kais, also share this characteristic.
When a husky howls, it can be a sign of excitement, alertness, or a response to certain sounds.
It can also be a way to get attention or express loneliness when separated from their owners or pack.
What’s remarkable is that huskies have a wide range of vocalizations and can imitate human sounds, like words or laughter.
These “talking” dogs have a unique ability to mimic familiar sounds and interact with their human companions more expressively.
But why do huskies howl more than other breeds?
One theory suggests that it’s because they have retained more of their primitive instincts compared to other domesticated dogs.
Their howling behavior is a way for them to connect with their ancestral roots and maintain their distinct identity.
Huskies’ howls can reinforce their…




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