Why don’t men want to touch women over 50? These three men told the truth, and every sentence struck a chord.

4 min readMar 13, 2024
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Whether it is friendship or love, they will go through stages from enthusiasm to coldness to stability. During the coldness period,

Two people in this relationship will doubt each other, dislike and complain about each other, and feel that the other person is not their lover.

Then the idea of ​​breaking up or getting divorced began to arise. Some couples parted ways because they couldn’t bear the torture of the cold period.

There are also some couples who will never break up no matter how fierce the quarrel is, because they never forget their original intentions.

They have determined that the other person is the person who will accompany them throughout their lives, so quarrels are their way of communicating problems, not the catalyst for divorce.

Of course, there are some couples who, if you say they are not in a good relationship, their external behavior makes people think that they still treat each other with respect;

You say they are a couple of gods, but their behavior will make you feel that their relationship is not that good.




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