Why don’t smart people like to talk?

3 min readApr 13, 2024
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

For smart people, speaking is an art! Only say good things to people who know you well!

There are only a few true confidants, and there are only one or two among all living beings. Therefore, words are often cherished like gold.

The latitude of thinking is not on the same level, and there is no so-called like-mindedness, which will inevitably lead to the conversation not being on the same channel.

There is no common language, no common concepts, and no clear topic.

A wise man can never bear to waste time with a mediocre person.

Therefore, for smart people, staying silent is the best choice.

For smart people, it’s not that they don’t say anything, but they are good at choosing occasions.

They don’t pay any attention to ordinary people’s entertainment gossip, daily necessities, and money.

Because what they are concerned about is not ordinary people’s intrigues, intrigues, and love between children.

However, this kind of person can talk eloquently in certain situations and environments. It can be said that he knows everything from astronomy to geography.

In daily life, their roles may seem dull or even unsociable to others.




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