Why “hold the phone backward to take pictures”? 5 reasons to share with friends who love taking photos

3 min readApr 22, 2024

Why “You should hold your mobile phone backward to take pictures” This article explains and shares it with friends who love taking pictures.

The first reason: the main lens of the mobile phone has a small wide angle, so there will be a height difference of about 7.7 centimeters between the backhand position of the mobile phone and the original camera position. If the height difference and angle are used well, it can directly make the protagonist’s legs in the picture become slender and the body proportions become better-looking.

The second reason: the screen viewing angle + height is closer to the camera angle experience. Especially when shooting at medium and low angles, the body does not need to squat slightly. When shooting from a very low angle of view, the body no longer needs to lie on the ground, and the burden on the waist is significantly reduced when shooting for a long time.

Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

The third reason: I have personally tested and researched it. As long as you learn to hold your phone backward and start to get used to holding it backward, you can greatly increase the stability of your phone when taking photos in the future. When shooting telephoto subjects and subjects that require counting seconds, it will be better…




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