Women develop extramarital relationships, mostly for these three purposes

4 min readJul 8, 2024


A woman who has love and energy in her heart, a happy marriage, and well-behaved children will never betray her marriage.

Even if they may have some thoughts occasionally, they will never really take that step, because they know how to cherish and know what is the most precious wealth in life.

As for those women who lose their way in marriage and engage in extramarital affairs, their motives are often complex and diverse, but most of them have nothing to do with true love.

Most women develop extramarital relationships for these three purposes.

Photo by Scott Broome on Unsplash

1. Prove that you are still attractive

Some women, trapped in the marriage fortress, feel increasingly dull. They begin to crave recognition and praise from the outside world to prove their charm and value.

This kind of woman often does not fall in love with a man outside of marriage, but rather seeks psychological satisfaction and the expansion of her vanity.

They try to offset the dullness and signs of aging in their married life by attracting the attention of other men to reassure themselves that they are still attractive.

Behind this behavior lies a sense of uncertainty about self-worth and a fear of aging.

They fear that they will no longer be attractive as they age, so they try to prove that they are still attractive through extramarital affairs.

However, this way of proving themselves not only fails to bring them real confidence and a sense of security but may instead cause them to fall into deeper confusion and pain.

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2. To avenge the husband’s indifference or betrayal

In marriage, when women feel indifference or betrayal from their husbands, they may develop a strong desire for revenge.

Driven by this mentality, they may choose to develop extramarital relationships as a response to their husbands’ indifference or betrayal.

However, this kind of revengeful behavior cannot solve the problem, but may further deteriorate the marriage relationship.

Revenge is a destructive emotion that causes people to make impulsive decisions in anger and disappointment. When a woman chooses to take revenge on her husband by having an extramarital affair, she is punishing herself for the mistakes of others.

Not only will this behavior fail to win back her husband’s heart, it may also put her in a deeper moral and emotional dilemma.

Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

3. Try to add some freshness to your life

A long-term stable marriage relationship sometimes makes people feel that life has become monotonous and boring. To seek excitement and freshness in life, some women may choose to develop extramarital relationships. They believe that such relationships can bring them long-lost passion and romance, and make their dull lives revitalized.

However, this pursuit of novelty is often only a temporary escape. When the novelty wears off, they may find themselves in a more complicated predicament.

The excitement and romance brought by extramarital affairs cannot last, but the damage they cause to the marriage relationship is long-lasting.

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Marriage is a long-term practice that requires the joint efforts and maintenance of both parties. When a woman encounters problems in marriage, she should solve the problems through active communication and rational thinking, rather than choosing to escape or retaliate.

Developing extramarital relationships will not only fail to solve the problem but may make the problem more complicated to solve.

Loyalty and trust are the cornerstones of marriage. Once these cornerstones are shaken, it will be difficult for the marriage relationship to remain stable.

Therefore, when facing confusion and challenges in marriage, women should remain calm and rational, cherish the happiness in their hands, and not easily embark on the path of betrayal of marriage.

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