Women’s physiological preferences, these 3 points are too obvious

4 min read4 days ago

In the ocean of love, the liking between men and women has its own merits, but women’s physiological liking often has its own unique and obvious manifestations. The “physiological liking” mentioned here does not refer to a simple physiological reaction but refers to a woman’s special preference and attraction to a certain person in terms of emotion, physiology, and behavior. Next, let’s explore these three obvious characteristics and see if you can feel them too.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

1. The sea of ​​stars in the eyes

People often say that “eyes are windows to the soul”, which is especially true for women. When a woman has a physical liking for a person, her eyes will involuntarily reveal a special glow. Those kinds of eyes, like the brightest stars in the night sky, sparkle with expectation, curiosity, and tenderness.

I remember that at the company party, Fiona first met the new project manager Leon. Leon was not only capable at work but also handsome. From that moment on, Fiona’s eyes never left him. Whenever Leonspoke, Fiona always listened attentively, with admiration and appreciation in her eyes. She would inadvertently look at Leon, then quickly lower her head, with a blush on her cheeks. This kind of eye contact seemed to have become a tacit understanding between them that…




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