Workplace Rule: Don’t Be a Catfish in a Sea of Sardines

6 min readApr 13, 2024

I have heard of a law that no matter what you do, as long as you care about it and have a strong desire, it will usually fail. The most typical case is that in a relationship, the party you care about most often suffers the most harm.

The same is true in the workplace. The stronger the desire, the easier it is to lose to the word “care”. The heart is extremely demanding and will be affected by any disturbance to affect one’s fragile nerves. In the end, the problem of worrying about gains and losses will lead to the loss of one’s structure and vision. All their thoughts and energy are infected by this incident, and in the end, they are helpless and panicked. Generally, there will be no good results.

A former colleague, Old A, was just such a person. His desire for a position exceeded that of anyone I knew. His mind was filled with the idea of ​​promotion. He only wanted to become a manager and get an annual salary. He wanted to be the best in everything. Fighting for first place, I joked every time, “Old A, I feel like your eyes are glowing red.”

Lao A’s family conditions are not good, and he has been looked down upon since he was a child. When he was in school, he was bullied by students from good families, which caused a serious psychological shadow. In his world, he was extremely eager to be looked down upon and used. Success comes to prove himself, to prove his strength to those who look down on him.




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