You May Be Codependent

6 min readMar 29, 2024

Have you ever felt like you’re overly reliant on your partners or friends? Do your emotional needs go beyond what seems normal? Are you often called needy or clingy? If these questions ring true to you, it’s possible that you’re codependent. But what is codependency?

Codependency is defined as excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner or friend, someone who typically needs a lot of support. Codependency can put a lot of strain on both the relationship and the individuals involved in it. So how can you tell if you are codependent? This video looks at eight signs to watch out for.

Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

1. Constant Reassurance Seeking

I often find myself seeking constant reassurance from my partner, asking them repeatedly if they still love me or if they’re upset with me. For instance, if they don’t text me back promptly, I immediately jump to conclusions and need them to reassure me that everything is okay.

Do you find yourself constantly asking for people’s reassurances, asking them to tell you they love you a lot, or asking if they’re mad at you constantly? This sort of constant reassurance seeking can be a sign of codependency. You may seek reassurance due to low self-worth and feeling like your partner is always just about to leave the relationship, as you often don’t feel you bring anything to the…




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